
sumosluts dot com / about

A bit of a joke, sumosluts dot com stems from the /r/SumoMemes subreddit and it's love of thirsty rikishi images. It's a work in progress as I've not quite decided on the best way to lay things out, but we'll see. Thus far, sorting by heya seems to be a good way to do it. Any mislabelled rikishi (I'm still learning everyone's names) or other errors, please let me know, as I'm bound to miss something during the creation of new pages.

Anyone wanting to contribute photos, or to report any errors, can use the email button above. If you can label the photos, that helps me immensely as I have a rubbish memory for new faces!

This website will remain in existence until either I get bored, or I'm required to take it down due to takedown notices.